TEMPO of Madison Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization created by visionary TEMPO Madison members to support future generations of women leaders. The Foundation handles all philanthropic efforts related to TEMPO of Madison's mission, which includes awarding need-based scholarships to graduating high school seniors and grants to support the advancement of professional women.
The Foundation Board was initially comprised of every past president of TEMPO Madison. In 2022, the Foundation was restructured to create a 9-member Board of Directors. To maintain alignment between the two organizations, the TEMPO of Madison Vice President fills the role of Foundation President, with the remaining positions elected by Foundation membership.
TEMPO of Madison Foundation Scholarship Program
Since its inception, the Foundation has provided over $150,550 in need-based scholarships to 51 young women.
Information about the 2025 Scholarship
Grants for Educational Programming and Professional Development
The Foundation supports the professional goals of TEMPO Madison members by awarding grants for educational programming that allows TEMPO Madison’s top executive women to thrive professionally.
How to Donate: The Foundation's philanthropic efforts are supported by generous, tax-deductible donations. Click here to contribute.
For more information, contact TEMPOMadison@TEMPOMadison.org.