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GEM Sponsors

These are the jewels in our organization who elect to help us shine a little brighter through extra financial support. GEM Pledges are unrestricted annual funds that allow TEMPO Madison to take on special strategic initiatives and support our members through enhanced programming.

By becoming a GEM at any level, TEMPO Madison members also thank the volunteers who organize dozens of events and activities throughout the year. In return, TEMPO Madison's Board of Directors recognizes GEMS in our communications, on our website, and at our events.

We’ll treasure your participation in the TEMPO GEM program. More Information and Sign up as TEMPO Madison as a GEM Sponsor

RUBY ($500 Level)

Lisa Smith 
Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Badgerland 

SAPPHIRE ($250 Level)

Susan Thomson 

ActionCOACH Business & Executive Coaching

Michelle Vetterkind
WI Broadcasters Association

PEARL ($100 Level)

Laurie Dies

Capitol Weddings & Events, LLC |

The WIDGET Source

Carol Koby

Koby Communication Services, LLC

Consuelo López

Assistant Dean Emerita, UW-Madison

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